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Migration data sources: Ultimate compilation
Since I work in the field of migration, I am constantly referring back to these data sources. So I created this list of the sources I use the most. And I thought it would be useful to share it with others!
Top 10: How to provide high-impact technical assistance in the field of migration

A lot of my work as an independent migration expert over the years has revolved around helping governments – or “providing technical assistance” – including conducting research for governments and training policy-makers, as well as analysing and developing government policies and programmes. I’ve both provided technical assistance myself and assessed large-scale technical assistance programmes developed by international organisations. I’ve boiled a lot of lessons learned into just 10 lessons contained in this brief.
Template: Inception report for a human trafficking study

This is the template I've used to design several country assessments of trafficking in persons. It is a pragmatic methodology for research conducted by an individual consultant.